Willful Cancer Fighters Direct Mail Kit

Here is a non-profit direct mail kit from The League Of Willful Cancer Fighters. This kit features handwritten fonts and multiple marketing documents. These are all items that increase open and response rates.

This full direct mail kit features multiple marketing documents. It includes a letter, brochure, reply form and a business return envelope (BRE). More materials means that the kit is going to be thicker and heavier. Increasing both has been a viable option to increase response rates.

In the below image, the outer envelope features a handwritten name and address block. Using handwritten fonts on the outer envelope increase levels of realism to readers. When opting for handwritten fonts, make sure you find a font that looks real, and doesn’t look too clean.

Willful Cancer Fighters Outer Envelope Face

The letter in the direct mail kit has a seasoned look to it. It features a typewriter font used for the body of the official letterhead. It also features a blue handwritten signature. All of these tactical elements work for increasing the levels of realism.

Willful Cancer Fighters Outer Letter Face

This non-profit, direct mail kit works well because of the levels of realism. Handwritten fonts work extremely well, especially when they don’t look too clean. Take note of these items for your future direct mail tests.