Upstart® Personal Loan Direct Mail Kit Featuring a Handwritten Font

Upstart personal loan direct mail kit includes outer envelope, letter one, letter 2 and a 2-panel brochure

The Upstart personal loan direct mail kit features a handwritten font on three parts of the kit: the outer envelope, offer letter and second personal letter. Handwritten fonts offer huge benefits to direct mail kits by increasing levels of trust and credibility.

You’ll notice here, on the outer envelope, that the message is personal to the reader. It begins with the reader’s name to start, and the entire body of the message speaks directly to the point and the reason for the direct mail piece. For personal loan organizations, the offer is key to the mail piece to gain responses, and in this case the offer is trying to lower your monthly payments.

Upstart personal loan direct mail outer envelope face
Upstart personal loan direct mail outer envelope face

You’ll notice in the offer letter that it is very official looking with a grid at the top calling out key features to the offer in the cells. The additional touch of a hand-circled, important item adds to the handwritten effect – in this case the pre-qualified portion. You’ll notice other key notes in a handwritten font further down the letter which call out important features such as only taking 5 minutes to apply and why the look at education and job history to “help them say ‘yes’ when others say ‘no'”.

Upstart personal loan direct mail offer letter face
Upstart personal loan direct mail offer letter face

On the second personal letter other key items are underlined with a handwritten style like “education and job history”. Lastly a handwritten signature and a note at the bottom inferring that the Co-Founder & Head of Product personally wrote that himself to the reader ties the rest of the handwritten features together.

Upstart personal loan direct mail second personal letter face
Upstart personal loan direct mail second personal letter face

Handwritten style fonts are easy to add to any mail piece, and can be variably personalized per mail piece. The handwritten font instills a sense of credibility to a direct mail piece, and works extremely well for financial organizations.