Payoff. Why it’s as Simple as 1, 2, 3…

Payoff’s direct mail kit features a well written copy tactic used in the financial and insurance spaces, “…in 3 Simple Steps”. This tactic has been used over and over for many years, and for a reason – it works!

It comes to psychology, and why people process information the way they do. The term is called the “Rule of Three”. Humans have become skilled at pattern recognition, and the smallest number of items to create a pattern is three. Payoff uses this tactic on the letter, in a completely separate, blocked out sidebar. This makes it stand out even more because it is separated from the body copy.

Payoff debt consolidation letter face
Payoff debt consolidation letter face

This tactic works in the financial and insurance spaces very well because of the call-to-actions. Generally, you can apply now online and in three easy steps you can do it too.

On your next test segment of mail, give it a try. Create a separate sidebar, add to your buckslip or you can put it in the body copy. If you do add this into the body copy, make it stand out from the rest by increasing point size of the type, and add larger numbers for each point you make.