LifeLock’s “Second Attempt” Direct Mail Kit

LifeLock Second Attempt Full Kit

LifeLock sends out a direct mail kit featuring the words “Second Attempt” faux stamped on the front of the envelope, as well as a very official looking outer envelope. The combination of urgency and officialism create a well put together direct mail kit.

LifeLock Second Attempt Outer Envelope
LifeLock Second Attempt Outer Envelope

LifeLock also added a very interesting chrome sticker that shows through a second window of the envelope. This sticker engages the reader (since you can place it on your mailbox), and intrigues the reader because of it’s reflective finish.

On the letter, they have opted for a personalized treatment by adding highlighter to key information within the copy. This helps reduce the amount of reading, keeping the reader engaged, and helps get the point across faster.

LifeLock Second Attempt Letter Face
LifeLock Second Attempt Letter Face

Features of this kit like “Second Attempt” and the official design elements are great ideas to add into your future test cells.