Hyper-Personalize your Letter by Variably Changing Images

Arcadia Power Direct Mail Offer Kit

Printing on a digital press allows endless capabilities for hyper-personalized variability. If your current print vendor has digital printing resources, chances are you still may not be utilizing the full variable capabilities. Not only should you be able to variably change copy, offers and layouts, you also have the ability to variably interchange images on your letter.

In this kit I received from Arcadia, you can see right on the letter it has two blocks for images in the right sidebar. If this is being printed on a digital press, those images can be interchanged. It is very common to test images and how they correlate to response and open rates.

Arcadia Power Direct Mail Letter Face
Arcadia Power Direct Mail Letter Face

Companies that have brick and mortar location can benefit from this variable capability. Many companies will add a geolocation map that can interchange based on zip code.

Another great example are companies that have multiple products they’d like to feature offers for. The ability to change offers and/or products per test cell to compete for greatest response is extremely beneficial. If you combine this with a wide window envelope, you can tease multiple offers through the window.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to variability. Try not to stop at only the copy. By printing on a digital press, you have the ability to change almost everything on the letter, maintain a single mail stream for postal savings and have multiple tests.