Category: Other

ComEd Utility Bill Direct Mail Kit

Here is a ComEd utilities bill that I think you can all benefit from seeing. The utilities bill is something I think speaks for itself. It’s a bill. If you want people to open a direct mail kit, make the envelope look like a bill. In the below image, you can see what other information […]

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Water Bill Direct Mail Kit

This is a very simple direct mail kit. If you tend to have direct mail kits that are branded and, or filled with colors, this is a great test option to break the mold. This kit features an almost completely plain envelope. The inside elements are what show through the windows of the envelope. You’ll […]

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Arcadia Power Direct Mail Offer Kit

Hyper-Personalize your Letter by Variably Changing Images

Printing on a digital press allows endless capabilities for hyper-personalized variability. If your current print vendor has digital printing resources, chances are you still may not be utilizing the full variable capabilities. Not only should you be able to variably change copy, offers and layouts, you also have the ability to variably interchange images on […]

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LifeLock Second Attempt Full Kit

LifeLock’s “Second Attempt” Direct Mail Kit

LifeLock sends out a direct mail kit featuring the words “Second Attempt” faux stamped on the front of the envelope, as well as a very official looking outer envelope. The combination of urgency and officialism create a well put together direct mail kit. LifeLock also added a very interesting chrome sticker that shows through a […]

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Creating a Sense of Urgency on Your Outer Envelope

Today’s direct mail everyday piece highlights a Red Light Violation kit I received. The DM kit features a bright orange outer envelope that definitely stands out in the mail box when compared to all the other mail pieces. Creating a sense of urgency on your outer envelope trends high at increasing levels of open rates […]

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